Image: Christopher Titmuss receiving his monk’s robes
Tallowwood Sangha started in 1999 when Sexton Bourke was encouraged by his teacher Subhana Barzaghi to form a meditation group in Bellingen. Many times in the early days Sexton would sit alone, but gradually word spread and those drawn to meditation practice met with Sexton on a weekly basis.
Sexton had practiced in both the Zen and Insight traditions but following recognition that the group was more interested in Insight meditation, the group adopted this form of practice in 2001. The group became known as Tallowwood Sangha.
Sexton led Days of Mindfulness at Bundagen Community and taught a retreat with Subhana Barzaghi near Bellingen.
In 2004 Sexton was diagnosed with cancer and endured prolonged periods of treatment.
In 2005 Will James joined Sexton as co-teacher and together they guided the growing group of dedicated practitioners. Due to Sexton’s ongoing health problems, Will gradually took over the role of principle teacher for the Tallowwood Sangha, leading the weekly sits, retreats, days of mindfulness, a mindfulness training course and Dharma study program
Sexton was made a Zen Roshi in the Diamond Sangha tradition by his teacher Subhana Barzaghi in 2010 and formed the Bellingen Zen Group, which he continued to lead until his death in 2011. Tallowwood Sangha continues to auspice the Bellingen Zen Group.
Tallowwood Sangha has facilitated many Dharma events over the years, including Dharma gatherings and retreats led by Christopher Titmuss from England, along with other Insight teachers from around Australia. Other Tallowwood events have included the Dharma Facilitators program with Radha Nicholson and Will James, numerous retreats led by Will and guest teachers Subhana Barzaghi, Radha Nicholson, and Ellen Davison, and Women’s Retreats led by Radha Nicholson and Jude Baderle.
During the 1960’s and 70’s many westerners travelled to Asia to explore eastern philosophies - especially the teachings of the Buddha. One such traveller was Christopher Titmuss who had travelled overland from England. Christopher ordained as a Theravada monk and studied under the guidance of Ajahn Dhammadaro and Ajahn Buddhadasa in the Thai Forest Tradition.
When he disrobed, Christopher returned to the West and began to share the teachings and practices that he had discovered. Christopher was one of many western teachers such as Jack Kornfield, Joseph Goldstein, and Sharon Salzberg who began to influence the growth and evolution of a distinctly Western Insight practice.
Christopher travelled regularly to Australia to lead retreats and over the years several Australian teachers emerged from this contact. These include Will James, Subhana Barzaghi, Radha Nicholson and Ellen Davison, who teach or have taught regularly at Tallowwood Sangha Events.
The modern Insight form of practice, although emerging directly out of the Buddhist Theravada tradition, has undergone immense change over the years. In the movement to the West, much of the ritual, eastern cultural practices and beliefs have fallen away, while still having the core teachings of the Buddha at the very heart of the practice..
Tallowwood Sangha became formally Incorporated on 12th May 2008 and is a not-for-profit association managed by a voluntary Committee of Management, elected each year at the Annual General Meeting. Bellingen Zen Group came under the auspices of Tallowwood Sangha in 2010.
The objective of the Association is to provide opportunities for people to gather in sangha, engage in dharma practice and further their understanding of the dharma teachings. Sangha members can join the Association by filling out a membership form and paying a nominal fee. Association members are welcome to attend the AGM held at the end of each calendar year.
Our Mission Statement
It is our mission to support our community in practicing the path of awakening through the direct experience of life as it is, in order to manifest wisdom and compassion for the benefit of all beings.
Our Values
We follow in the footsteps of the Buddha, who offered his teachings of awakening and freedom to all peoples. In doing so he challenged the social structures and attitudes of his day. We are wholly committed to inclusivity, without exception, and welcome all people of every age, ethnicity, cultural heritage, religious background, socio-economic group, ability, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
In the words of our teacher Will James: "Sangha is a community of people who care". We care with loving hearts for the good people of this Earth who are working for the healing of our beautiful and fragile ecosystem and for social justice; and for all those who support life in its many and wondrous forms. We welcome opportunities to support this work with wisdom and compassion.
We are awake to the truth of what world scientists are telling us about climate change, biodiversity loss and species extinction, and plastic pollution. We declare that these difficult times are unprecedented, and that an emergency response is required.
"There is increasing consensus that business as usual will have unacceptable social and environmental costs" ~ His Holiness the Dalai Lama. We encourage creativity and nurture new ideas as they emerge, both from our local sangha and the wider community. We hold each other gently throughout the inevitable ups and downs of this path we are walking together.