Follow Will and enjoy his teachings on Insight Timer and YouTube
Will’s Dharma talks are regularly uploaded to these channels. follow and subscribe to stay up to date. These teachings are given freely as a gift, if you wish to express your gratitude, find out more about the Dana tradition
Taking Refuge in the Triple Gem - Will James
Form, the Formless and the Cessation - Will James
Inquiry - A Factor of Awakening - Rowan Holden
Inquiry Into Inquiry - Rowan Holden
Why Emptiness Is Important - Rowan Holden
Is Buddhism a Doctrine of Invulnerability? - Rowan Holden
Right Effort - Rowan Holden
Violence and Discomfort - Rowan Holden
Buddha's Words on Loving-kindness - a translation - translator unknown
The teachings above have been given or referred to by Teachers at Tallowwood Retreats, Meditation gatherings or Days of Mindfulness.
Freedom's Edge - Rowan Holden
All is Arising in Emptiness - Rowan Holden
Sometimes ............. - Rowan Holden
Skip It - Jonathan Lockyer
The poetry below has been referenced at various Tallowwood Retreats:
Ajahn Chah: Do Not Try
Mary Oliver: Wild Geese, When Death Comes, Summer’s Day, The Journey
Hafiz: Deepening the Wonder, Cast All Your Votes For Dancing, With That Moon Language
Rumi: That Lives In Us
Xinxin Ming: Faith In Mind
Galway Kinnell: Saint Francis and the Sow
Great Compassion Mantra - Ani Choying Drolma
Gate Gate on album ‘Love is Space’ - Deva Premal
Other Resources
Suggested readings, books and websites for exploration
The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha - Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi
The Connected Discourses of the Buddha - Bhikkhu BodhiThe Fundamental Wisdom of the
Middle Way - Jay L Garfield
The Sound of Silence - Ajahn Sumedho
The Mind and the Way - Ajahn Sumedho
Light on Enlightenment - Christopher Titmuss
Heartwood of the Bodhi Tree - Buddhadasa Bhikkhu
In the Buddha's Words - Bhikkhu Bodhi
The Wise Heart- Jack Kornfield
The First and Last Freedom - J Krishnamurti
Meditations - J Krishnamurti
The Experience of the Samadhi - Richard Shankman
Satipatthana - Analayo
Seeing That Frees - Rob Burbea
The Island - Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Amaro. This book can be downloaded from: https://www.amaravati.org/audio-and-books/
Women in the Dharma
Zen Women: Beyond Tea Ladies, Iron Maidens, and Macho Masters - Grace Schireson, published 2009 by Wisdom Publications
Women of the Way: Discovering 2,500 Years of Buddhist Wisdom - Sallie Tisdale, published 2007 by Harper
Women of Sufism: A Hidden Treasure. Writings and Stories of Mystic Poets, Scholars and Saints - Camille Helminski, published 2003 by Shambala
The Hidden Lamp: Stories from Twenty-Five Centuries of Awakened Women
- Zenshin Florence
- Caplow (Editor),
- Reigetsu Susan
- Moon (Editor),
- Zoketsu NormanFischer (Foreword)
Published 2013 by Wisdom
The following links might also offer teachings of interest